This endpoint returns Contest objects and related Election, Party, Referendum, and Candidate objects.

Partisan and Party Specific Conests

Contests can be nonpartisan, partisan, or party specific.

  • Nonpartisan - "partisan": false - display all candidates, regardless of party
  • Partisan - "partisan": true - only display the candidates that match the voter's party
  • Party Specific - "links": {"party": 1, ... - only display the contest if the voter's party matches


The partisan field can be ignored for party specific contests as all party specific contests are also partisan contests.

v2 Breaking Changes from v1

maximum field in v1 was changed to voteMaximum field in v2

The following Contest fields in v1 were removed in v2

  • type - use order for sorting
  • officeName - use name
  • slug - obsolete
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